Returns & refunds

We accept cancellations

Contact us to cancel your order within 24 hours of purchase, but in any case, don't hesitate to contact us if we can be any help, we will let you know whether we can cancel even it passes 24 hours.

We accept returns

People change mind. I get that. If you receive your order, open it, change your mind, pack it as carefully as you can, send it back to us and notify us with an email about the returned package. Once we receive your package, we will return your products worth money. No questions asked ...although :-) you will help us a lot if you could tell us why you do not want that products so we can improve it for future customers.

Conditions of return

  • Product is not used and sent back in original package
  • We will not return your original shipping cost, only 100% of product worth
  • You have to pay for returned shipping cost as well


  • We are at fault: sending wrong design, wrong color, wrong size, missing items....

In this case

  • We will pay for returned shipping cost, and if you want us to resend new items, we will pay for that shipping cost as well plus we probably throw in some freebies to apologise :-)
  • If you do not want us to resend new items, we will refund 100% product worth + original shipping cost

We accept exchanges

  • Send us back the items you do not want, place new order with the item you want to exchange, once we receive your returned item, we will refund you 100% product worth, exclusive shipping cost.

The following items can't be returned or exchanged

Because of the nature of these items, unless they arrive damaged or defective, I can't accept returns for:

  • Custom or personalized orders
  • Items on sale

BUT, in any case, contact us, we are here to help.

Direct contact with the owner of Belle Linen:

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