Shipping & payment

Shipping within European Union

  • Shipping cost: 10 euros
  • Import tax: no
  • Estimate delivery days: 5-7 working days
  • Express Shipping is available to choose, it costs 30 euros and will take 1-2 days

Shipping to United Kingdom

  • Shipping cost: 10 euros
  • Import tax: you are responsible for any import tax on your arrivals, usually there is none
  • Estimate delivery days: 5-7 working days
  • Express Shipping is available to choose, it costs 30 euros and will take 1-2 days

Shipping to United States of America

  • Shipping cost: 10 euros
  • Import tax: you are responsible for any import tax on your arrivals, usually there is none
  • Estimate delivery days: 10-20 working days
  • Express Shipping is available to choose, it costs 30 euros and will take 2-3 days

Shipping to the Czech Republic

  • Shipping cost: 5 euros
  • Import tax: none
  • Estimate delivery days: 1 working day

Other parts of the world

  • We ship worldwide. If you can't find your country in the checkout list, please contact us. We will find a way at reasonable costs.


  • Credit/debit card - you will be redirected to external payment gate Stripe, most major card are accepted.
  • Bank transfer - we accept SEPA payments. Payment instructions will be given after completing the order.

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